System Certification

System Certification

Process to obtain an ISO Certification

ISO does not perform certification, it develops international standards such as ISO 9001,14001. An external body  which has been abiding the CASCO (Committee on Conformity Assessment) acting as an accreditation body under which an certification body is authorized to give ISO certificates.

The process of ISO certification includes 2 stages

  • Stage 1 : Readiness Audit
  • Stage 2 : Effectiveness Audit

The organization applying for ISO 9001:2015 is audit based on an extensive sample of its sites, function, product, services and process. The auditor presents list of deviations to managements , according to the grading of the deviations the certification body determines the time required for its closure including the correction and corrective actions which are approved by the certification body. After effective closure of the Non conformity the Certificate is issued limiting to the scope that was audited.

For more information on application and audit procedure click here